Delivery and service for a battery storage project in Groß Laasch (Mecklenburg-Vor...
VO: SektVO Vergabeart:   Verhandlungsverfahren mit Teilnahmewettbewerb Status: Veröffentlicht


Es liegen folgende Nachrichten der Vergabestelle vor.
Betreff: Application Information No. 1 Datum: 19.02.2025 - 09:09 Uhr


Dear Sir or Madam,

at the request of a bidder, we can inform you that this award procedure has a two-stage structure. All information on the first stage can be found in the EU contract notice and the application documents. Only the application documents must be submitted by the application deadline. After the application deadline (on the second stage), the selected bidders will receive the (technical) tender documents and the contract documents.

Kind regards,
Oliver Jauch
on behalf of TEP Juno


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