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Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit gGmbH

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Fritz-Schäffer-Str. 26, 53113 Bonn

Art und Umfang der Leistung

The DEval is currently evaluating the Emergency Covid-19 Support Programme (ECSP) of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). For this purpose, the team wants to conduct a survey among recipients of the ECSP to collect data on outcomes, specified in the evaluation questions (Annex). The BMZ provided around 4.7 billion euros to developing and emerging countries under its ECSP during a two-year period between 2020/2021. The ECSP funding covered measures for the prevention, early detection and containment of COVID-19 as well as initiatives to mitigate the pandemic"s social and economic impacts (BMZ 2021 - Implementing the Emergency Covid-19 Support Programme). The programme focuses on topics relating to health and pandemic control; food security, i.e., securing basic food services to prevent famines, upholding food production; stabilisation of fragile regions affected by displacement; social protection, securing jobs in global supply chains; additional economic support for enterprises in key industries; emergency direct funding for national programmes; strengthening international cooperation.

The survey, as part of the overall evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the ECSP will inform planning and steering of German Development Cooperation in future crisis situations.

Most likely the survey will take place in February/ March 2023 in Jordan and Lebanon and will take up to 3 weeks. The survey will mainly highlight differences on outcomes regarding different kinds of instruments such as funds, policy-based financing, cash transfers, cash for work etc. of beneficiaries. Additionally, however, interviews with a control group are intended, too. In total about 250 interviews are planned.

The recipient of the tendered consultancy services is the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) in Bonn, Germany.

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