Titel der Ausschreibung

Preparation, delivery and follow-up of a training course to boost SDG multi-plication through the African-German Youth Office

CPV-Code / Auftragsgegenstand



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National UVGO


Engagement Global gGmbH

Ort der Ausführung

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn

Art und Umfang der Leistung

The African-German Youth Office is looking for a qualified and experienced team of 2-3 persons to accompany the process of a qualification measure for young people between the ages of 18 and 30. The participants apply as small groups consisting of 2 or 4 persons. The maximum number of participants will be in total 24. The aim is to develop and strengthen the participants' skills in their role as multipliers for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through tools and tactics. In their application, the small groups present their collective concern so that a concrete and targeted support can be provided through the participation in the qualification measure.

The qualification measure is structured into a virtual preparation phase (August-September 2023), a 4-5-day face-to-face workshop in an African country and a virtual follow-up phase (October-November 2023). Within each phase, the participating groups should be accompanied by mentoring. During the virtual mentoring phase, online events for mentoring should be organized and facilitated. Preparation meetings between the process facilitators and AGYO are scheduled from June 2023 onwards.

The team should have business-fluent English at C1 level, intercultural competences and discrimination sensitivity. It is required that at least one person in the team has a clear connection to an African country, such as nationality and place of residence.

The contract will start upon award and end on 08.12.2023.

CPV-Code / Auftragsgegenstand





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